●新しい時代の教科担任制の在り方 猿田 祐嗣5
創造活動「自遊パーク」の有機的な関連を通して- 風間 寛之9
山﨑 一樹12
-他教科等とつなげた導入と内容の充実を通した深い学び- 境 孝15
●子ども主体の理科学習を支える理科専科の在り方 杉澤 学18
-日々の実践の紹介と課題を克服するための工夫- 大野 洋21
田井 和基24
●新しい時代における小学校理科専科の強み-新学習指導要領全面実施直前(2019年度)での理科専科の経験を通して- 岩本 哲也27
●理科専科の強みを生かした授業と学校理科環境の充実 原田 康英31
●新しい理科教育の潮流に沿った担任理科指導の充実 志田 正訓35
-これまでの実践を振り返って- 若松 直幸38
林 康成41
-発信と交流,協働体制,発展的な環境整備の視点から- 小松 正直44
-中学校教諭による乗り入れ授業と小中合同授業- 加藤 一義47
●集団思考の場となる授業づくり 箱家 勝規50
大黒 孝文54
花粉の観察 岡田 仁56
水蒸気の重さを実感する(後編) 田中 千尋58
牛乳パックで作る「光の反射」学習教材 藤原 僚60
学名:Turdus eunomus
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
What is the Better Way of Teaching Science ?
5………What the System Should Be in a New Era, in this System Students are Taught by Different Subjects Specialists
SARUTA Yuji, National Institute for Educational Policy Research, Tokyo
9………Comprehensive Learning That Spreads Out from Science
KAZAMA Hiroyuki, Elementary School Attached to Joetsu University of Education, Niigata
12………Teaching That Utilizes the Strengths of Subjects Specialists, by Linking Several Disciplines
YAMAZAKI Kazuki, Suginami No.10 Elementary School, Tokyo
15………Curriculum Management That Particularly Homeroom Teachers Can Provide
SAKAI Takashi, Tateno Elementary School, Kanagawa
18………How Specialist Teachers in Science Should Be, Who Support Child-Centered Science Instruction
SUGISAWA Manabu, The Elementary School Attached to Nara Women’s University, Nara
21………Let's Have Fun, Conveying the Charm of Science by Specialist Teachers in Science
OHNO Hiroshi, Denenchofufutaba Gakuen Elementary School, Tokyo
24………Making a Foundations to Support Science Instruction : What Is Possible to Do As a Specialist Teacher in Science
TAI Kazuki, Kuratsuki Elementary School, Ishikawa
27………At Elementary Schools in a New Era, the Specialist Teachers in Science Have the Advantages Over Self-contained Teachers
IWAMOTO Tetsuya, Ajihara Elementary School, Ishikawa
31………The Lesson Taught by Specialist Teachers in Science, and Improvement of School Science Environment
HARADA Yasuhide, Nagasaki Junshin Catholic University, Nagasaki
35………To Improve the Instruction by Homeroom Science Teachers, Along With a Trend in a New Science Education
SHIDA Masakuni, Elementary School Attached to University of Tsukuba, Tokyo
38………To Make Use of the Merits of Specialist Teachers in Science, and Make Up for the Demerits
WAKAMATSU Naoyuki, Tagami Elementary School, Kagoshima
41………Homeroom Science Teachers, and Specialist Teachers in Science : Advantages and Disadvantages to Both
HAYASHI Yasunari, Nanbu Elementary School, Nagano
44………Practical Examples to Blend the Strengths of Specialist Teacher in Science and Merits of Homeroom Teacher
KOMATSU Masanao, Satsunaikita Elementary School, Hokkaido
47………Elementary School Science Instruction at a School Linking Elementary and Junior High Schools Which Are Located Adjacently
KATO Kazuyoshi, Esashikita Secondary School, Hokkaido
50………Lesson Planning to Promote Group Thinking Activities
HAKOYA Masaki, Biwako-Gakuin University, Shiga
54 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
56 Demonstrations to Attract Students
58 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
60 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji