理科好きな女子を育てたい Ⅱ
-現状の何が問題なのか- 永原 裕子6
●リケジョから輝く女性研究者へ 藤井 浩人11
●女子が理科好きになるきっかけを考える-「面白いことを追究しているうちに理系の職業についていた」という女子を増やしたい- 山本 容子15
-身近な生活を科学的な視点でとらえることをベースに- 溝口 恵19
●探究するための種をまく中学校理科授業 川上 佑美22
●「なぜ・なに・どんな」を膨らませることをねらって-「理科好き」の入口を広く保つための環境づくりと授業実践- 飯田 李恵25
-生徒の自己肯定感を高め,探究心を育てる- 荒川 知子28
-生徒へのアンケートをもとに理科授業を考える- 梶原 弘子31
一安 恵35
●自分で説明する面白さを体感できる理科授業づくり 樋口 麻美38
-女子はどっちの理科が好き?- 宮下 由美子41
-子どもたちの世界は無限大!- 本地 由佳44
自分の分身をイメージする―二つの理論を実装したARアプリによる月の満ち欠けの理解― 久保田 善彦48
大気中の浮力の存在に気付かせる演示実験 宮内 卓也50
一滴の水溶液が見せる美(2) 田中 千尋52
前線での雨の降り方がわかる雲モデル 前川 哲也54
『女子の理科学習を促進する授業構成に関する研究』稲田 結美[著]
隅田 学56
委員会 報告レポート 58
総目次 69
学名:Callosciurus erythraeus thaiwanensis
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
Science-loving Girls Should Be
Encouraged and Supported (II)
6 For the Science-loving Girls Who Can Select their Own Future Freely : What’s Wrong with the Current Situation ?
NAGAHARA Hiroko, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo
11 Career Path From Science-loving Girl To Female Researcher
FUJII Hiroto, Japan Science and Technology Agency, Saitama
15 To Consider What Influences Women to Love Science : I Want More Girls to Take the Course of “Just Trying to Explore Something Interesting Sparked their Interest in Science Careers”
YAMAMOTO Yoko, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki
19 Development of Inquiry-based Activity and Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching : Based on the Fact that We Consider the Day-to-day Life from the Scientific Viewpoint
MIZOGUCHI Megumi, Ochanomizu University Upper Secondary School, Tokyo
22 Middle School Science Designed to Sow Seed of Developing Inquiring Minds
KAWAKAMI Yumi, Tokyo Gakugei University International Secondary School, Tokyo
25 Aiming to Have Students Increase Interrogative Sentences of “Why, What, How” : Creation of Environment Conducive to Open the Door to “Science-loving Students”, and Instructional Practice
IIDA Momoe, Chiba Girls' Upper Secondary School, Chiba
28 To Open Your Eyes from “Experience” : To Boost Students’ Self-affirmation, and to Cultivate Inquiring Minds
ARAKAWA Tomoko, Den-en Chofu Gakuen, Tokyo
31 To Engage Women in the “Culture of Science” : To Consider Science Lesson, Based on Questionnaires to Students
KAJIWARA Hiroko, Heiraku Lower Secondary School, Kanagawa
35 To Respect Students’ “Desire to Know” and “Sensibility to Interdisciplinary Approach” : Taking Up the Dramatic Episode of a Middle Schooler Who Used to Neither “Like Science” Nor Be “Science-oriented” Became a Science Teacher
ICHIYASU Kei, Koshi Lower Secondary School, Kumamoto
38 Preparing Science Lessons Designed to Make Children Get Enjoyment from Explaining On their Own
HIGUCHI Asami, Nagano Elementary School, Kanagawa
41 Hot Science, Cool Science : Which Science Do Women Prefer ?
MIYASHITA Yumiko, Furuichi Elementary School, Osaka
44 Connect ! Expand ! That’s the Charm ! : Children’s World Is Infinite !
HONJI Yuka, Fuchu Dai-1 Elementary School, Tokyo
48 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
50 Demonstrations to Attract Students
52 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
54 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
56 Book Review
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji