●前仮説段階は自由で協働的な探究の場-アウトプットに満ち溢れている,「場づくり」の大切さ- 村上 忠幸5
●問題を見いだす学習指導の在り方 山中 謙司9
●理科授業の導入段階における気付き・興味・問題 黒田 篤志13
-第6学年「電気の利用」単元導入の事例- 若林 亮一17
髙田 佳希20
●理科の見方・考え方を働かせて学習に取り組む児童の育成-子ども自身が問題を発見し,主体的に学習に取り組む導入の工夫- 永野 ひとみ23
-第3学年「物と重さ」「磁石の性質」の実践を通して- 肥田 幸則26
●酸性・アルカリ性の水溶液,色の変化が美しい化学実験-科学系博物館と学校の連携に好都合な「粒子」領域の観察・実験- 中山 慎也29
坂井 浩紀・齋藤 大紀・土佐 幸子32
-インパクトをもち,コンパクトな導入を追い求めて- 佐々木 修一35
●工業高校の特色を生かす 菅原 唯38
●課題の発見から単元を見通す観察・実験のデザイン-「化学基礎」と「化学」の単元びらきの実践紹介- 佐藤 大・佐藤 友介41
画像に言葉を組み込むだけで理科の理解がより深まる?―小学校6年生での「岩石と鉱物」の授業の試みを通して― 多賀 優44
コロナ禍における中学校の観察・実験の実施状況-この2学期,当初立てた年間指導計画通りに生徒に観察・実験を行わせている学校は46%!― 山口 晃弘46
月齢1の月を撮影する(1) 田中 千尋48
原子サイコロde化学式ビンゴ 岸 正太郎50
全国大会(1次案内) 62
学名:Bos taurus
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
Discovery Processes in Which “Children’s Eyes Spark with Curiosity” -Discovery of Problems-
5 The Site of Free, Collaborative Investigation at the Pre-Hypothesis Stage
MURAKAMI Tadayuki, Kyoto University of Education, Kyoto
9 How Teaching Method Ought to be for Finding Problems
YAMANAKA Kenji, Hokkaido University of Education (Asahikawa Campus), Hokkaido
13 Awareness, Interest, and Problem in the Introductory Phase of Science Lesson
KURODA Atsushi, Kanto Gakuin University, Kanagawa
17 Science Class in Which Visual Programing Is Incorporated : Example of Introduction of “Use of Electricity” in 6th Grade
WAKABAYASHI Ryoichi, Kenno Elementary School, Niigata
20 Making a Instructional Design In Which Children’s Eyes Sparkled with Excitement : The Practice of “Function of Electricity” in 4th Grade
TAKATA Yoshiki, Takaoka-higashi Elementary School, Hyogo
23 To Support Children Who Engage in Learning Activity, Using Scientific Viewpoint and Thinking
NAGANO Hitomi, Kotobuki-kita Elementary School, Kagoshima
26 Presentation of Phenomena, With Units Structure in Mind : The Practice of “Object and Weight” and “Properties of Magnet” in 3rd Grade
HIDA Yukinori, Elementary School Attached to Saitama University, Saitama
29 Acidic/Alkaline Solution, Chemical Experiments in Which Beautiful Changing Color Can Be Seen
NAKAYAMA Shin-ya, Miyagi University of Education, Miyagi
32 Good Ideas of Setting Assignments Designed to Stimulate the Students’ “Why ?” in the Process of Investigation
SAKAI Hiroki, SAITO Hironori, Lower Secondary School Attached to Niigata University ; TOSA Sachiko, Niigata University, Niigata
35 A Treasure Box Whose Contents Are a Mixture of Wheat and Chaff : In Search of Compact Introduction that Has an Impact
SASAKI Shuichi, Konoura Lower Secondary School, Akita
38 To Make Use of Characteristics of Technical High School
SUGAWARA Yui, Ichikawa Technical High School, Chiba
41 The Design of Observation/Experiment Where We Have Better Prospects of Lesson Units by Discovering Problems
SATO Hiroshi, Hidaka District Bureau of Education; SATO Yusuke, Hokkaido Obihiro South Commercial High School, Hokkaido
44 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
46 Demonstrations to Attract Students
48 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
50 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji