知りたい! すぐれた理科の実践?各支部の推薦から?
?第6学年「水溶液の性質」の実践を通して? 杉野 さち子5
?小学校第2学年:ミニトマトの栽培活動を中心にして? 北原 美遥9
?小学校第5学年「ものの溶け方」に至る実践から? 鈴木 由美子13
●「電気の利用」を自分事として捉えるmicro:bitの活用?理科教育とプログラミング教育における資質・能力育成をつなぐ実践? 加藤 聡17
?小学校第5学年理科「天気の変化」の実践から? 伊藤 啓太21
●予想及び結論導出時の思考ツールの活用 孕石 泰孝25
?はね返した日光の暖かさを捉えるまでの過程に着目して? 坂田 紘子29
?折り紙を教材として用いた授業について? 森戸 幹33
?仮説検証型理科授業の構成? 棟田 一章37
渡辺 理文・松森 靖夫・出口 明子・土佐 幸子・竹本 石樹・森本 弘一・石川 聡子・佐伯 英人・中城 満41
?中学校第3学年天体分野への試験的導入? 山本 浩大46
生徒の歩幅をもとにした地球の大きさの測定 鈴木 一成48
ティッシュ玉空気でっぽうのすすめ 田中 千尋50
地図閲覧サイトを使用した地学授業の展開例 高瀬 伸悟52
人々の心に響く 新たな花の育成を目指して 中川 雅博54
全国大会(1次案内) 62
Society of Japan Science Teaching
Curious to Know! Good Practice of Science Lesson : Based on the Recommendations from Each Branch
5 Making Use of Ground Rule to Improve the Evaluation Activity : Practice of “Properties of Solution” in 6th Grade
SUGINO Sachiko, Maruyama Elementary School, Hokkaido
9 Analysis of Children’s Perceptions of Nature in Living Environment Studies : Cultivation of Cherry Tomatoes in 2nd Grade
KITAHARA Minori, Futaba-Nishi Elementary School, Yamanashi
13 Curriculum Design to Incorporate the Particle Model of Matter into Elementary School Science : Practice of “Dissolving Substances in Water” in 5th Grade
SUZUKI Yumiko, Miyuki Elementary School, Tochigi
17 Use of “micro:bit” to Have Children Consider “Use of Electricity” in Connection with Everyday Life : Practice of Improving Children’s Abilities in Science and Programming Education
KATO Satoshi, Niigata Elementary School Attached to Niigata University, Niigata
21 Realization of Science Lesson, Based on Career Education : The Practice of “Weather Change” in 5th Grade
ITO Keita, Seitodai Elementary School, Shizuoka
25 The Use of Thinking Tool, in Deriving Prediction and Conclusion
HARAMIISHI Yasutaka, Elementary School Attached to Kansai University, Osaka
29 Fundamental Research into the Understanding of Light : Focusing on the Learning Process of Making Sense of the Warmth of Reflected Sunlight
SAKATA Hiroko, Higashi-momodani Elementary School, Osaka
33 Proposal of Science Lesson of “Object and Weight” in 3rd Grade : Using Origami as a Teaching Tool
MORITO Miki, Tonda-nishi Elementary School, Yamaguchi
37 Realization of Inquiry-based Learning for Children to Have the Foresight to Solve the Problem Scientifically : Hypothesis-Testing Science Lesson
MUNEDA Kazuaki, Takasu Elementary School, Kochi
41 Recommendation of Excellent Papers of Good Practice, and their Comments
46 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
48 Demonstrations to Attract Students
50 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
52 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
54 Science and My Job
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji