【特集】 1人1台の端末を活用した理科授業−はじめにすること−
●GIGA スクール構想の推進に向けて−その意義,円滑な活用に向けた支援,
理科教育への期待− 本多 真行6
●GIGA スクール構想の実現で,理科授業はどう変わるのか−資質・能力の育成に向けた,1人1台端末の効果的な活用− 鳴川 哲也10
改善を目指して− 真金 竜樹・橋爪 大輔14
目指した自治体の実践事例− 柿沼 宏充18
−1人1台タブレット先行実施の最先端の教育状況− 毛利 康人22
●理科授業における1人1台端末の有効な活用法−ChromeOS アプリの共有機能を活用した第3学年「物と重さ」の実践報告− 堀 道雄26
− ICT 端末の活用と観察・実験分野での可能性− 石渕 豊30
●理科教育におけるICT 活用の第一歩
−学びを広げるためのツールとして− 加藤 一義32
−「鍛える授業」から「自ら学ぶ授業」へ− 真木 大輔36
村越 悟40
飯高 匡展42
石垣 智46
松本 榮次・建部 昇・安部 洋一郎・松本 伸示48
宮内 卓也50
地球そのものの影を実感する 田中 千尋52
プラスチックによる還元 宮本 一弘54
全国大会(5次案内) 58
Society of Japan Science Teaching
Science Lessons Using One PC/Tablet for Each Student : First Things First
6 To Proceed with GIGA School Project : Its Significance, Support of Smooth Running, and Expectation for Science Education
HONDA Masayuki, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo
10 How Will It Transform Science Education to Realize the Global and Innovation Gateway for All (GIGA) School Project
NARUKAWA Tetsuya, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo
14 Using Tablet PCs for Each Student in Kumamoto City : Aiming to Improve Lessons in Which Children Learn On their Own
MAGANE Tatsuki ; HASHIZUME Daisuke, Kumamoto City Education Center, Kumamoto
18 PC/Tablets for Each Student Make a Change in Science Education, Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
KAKINUMA Hiromitsu, Saitama Prefectural Education Bureau, Saitama
22 Educational Standard in Reiwa Era : Pilot Project of One Student, One Tablet
MOURI Yasuhito, Ashiya University, Hyogo
26 Effective Use of Tablet/PCs for Each Student in Science Class : “Object and Weight” in 3rd Grade
HORI Michio, Kawanishi Elementary School, Shiga
30 Aiming to Improve the Quality of Teaching in Which Each Child Can Take Pleasure in Learning
ISHIBUCHI Yutaka, Nakayama Elementary School, Tokyo
32 The First Step to Making Use of ICT in Science Education : As a Useful Tool for Extending Students’ Learning
KATO Kazuyoshi, Esashi-Kita Lower Secondary School, Hokkaido
36 What We Can Do in Science Class in Which Each Student Has One Tablet/PC
MAKI Daisuke, Lower Secondary School Attached to Ehime University, Ehime
40 Aiming to Make a Well-balanced Use of PC/Tablets, Grasping the State of Teachers/Students/Environment
MURAKOSHI Satoru, Kanda-Hitotsubashi Lower Secondary School, Tokyo
42 Educational Practice of High School Physics, Incorporating the Students’ Reflection and Its Sharing Activities
IIDAKA Masanobu, Ichikawa Secondary School, Chiba
46 Study of Processing Experimental Data by Using Tablet PC
ISHIGAKI Satoshi, Kakamihara Upper Secondary School, Gifu
48 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
50 Demonstrations to Attract Students
52 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
54 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji