-ワークショップ型授業のためのコミュケーション・ツール- 辻本 昭彦5
-OPPAで変容する私と児童- 坪田 隆平9
-児童からの疑問を解決していく理科授業- 佐藤 白章12
-様々な植物の観察から見つける共通性と多様性- 川上 佑美15
-理科の見方・考え方を働かせた授業実践- 木村 貴博18
●生徒の資質・能力を育成する単元計画と,授業改善へ向けた工夫-新学習指導要領で求められている内容と照らし合わせて考える- 浦島 歩美21
-主体的・対話的で深い学びの実現を目指した取り組み- 西村 栄哉24
●子どもが「理科の見方・考え方」を働かせる授業づくり 星 義夫27
-第6学年「人の体のつくりと働き」の実践を通して- 鐙 孝裕30
-小4「もののあたたまり方」の実践から- 天野 薫33
●観察や実験を通して,科学的に「書く」ことに注力した授業づくり-中学1年生の実験レポートの考察に対する添削と評価の方法- 松村 湖生36
-シンプルに教え,ディープに考える- 大曽根 将人39
-「SS理数探究」物理分野での実践から- 矢崎 貴紀42
―SDGsの目標間の関係性を評価する授業実践から― 石川 美穂46
3観点が始まる-1学期の評価の実施状況- 山口 晃弘48
アサガオ丸ごと大観察② 田中 千尋50
「ゆらゆら人形」と磁石振り子を用いた電流と磁界の学習 高橋 政宏52
スキルス胃癌に対する治療抗体の開発を目指して 岡﨑 真咲54
Society of Japan Science Teaching
Curriculum Guidelines and Instructional Improvement
: To Consider from a Diamond Ranking, in Broad Perspective
5 What Is Diamond Ranking? : Communication Tool for Workshop-type Instruction
TSUJIMOTO Akihiko, Hosei University, Tokyo
9 Aiming for Instruction in Which Children’s Ideas Can Be Reflected : OPPA Can Change Children and Me
TSUBOTA Ryuhei, Sugito Elementary School, Saitama
12 Science Instruction in Which Children Learn On their Own, After Finding Purpose and Meaning in their Learning : Science Lesson to Solve Children's Questions
SATO Kiyoki, Shinozaki Dai-3 Elementary School, Tokyo
15 Science Instruction in Which Students Think the Meaning of Drawing a Line on the Globe : Uniformity and Diversity Found in the Observation of Various Plants
KAWAKAMI Yumi, Tokyo Gakugei University International Secondary School, Tokyo
18 Aiming for the Instruction in Which Discovery Processes are Well Structured : Practice of Developing Scientific Perspectives and Ideas
KIMURA Takahiro, Fujimi Lower Secondary School, Gunma
21 Unit Planning to Develop Students’ Qualities and Abilities, and Good Ideas to Improve Instruction : To Weigh the Contents That Are Needed in New Curriculum Guidelines
URASHIMA Ayumi, Koryo Upper Secondary School, Kanagawa
24 Science Instruction to Collaborate with Students : Efforts to Realize Active and Interactive Deep Learning
NISHIMURA Haruya, Sakado Upper Secondary School Attached to University of Tsukuba
27 Lesson Planning for Children to Take “Scientific Perspectives and Ways of Thinking”
HOSHI Yoshio, Tochigi Prefectural Education Center, Tochigi
30 To Reconsider the Significance of Learning Science Together with Other Students : The Practice of “Structure and Functions of Human Body” in 6th Grade
ABUMI Takahiro, Sapporo Elementary School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education, Hokkaido
33 Unit Planning Designed to Bring Up Predictions and Hypotheses in Connection with Prior Knowledge and Life Experience : Practice of “How Heat is Transferred” in 4th Grade
AMANO Kaori, Oose Elementary School, Shizuoka
36 Instructional Development to Focus on “Writing” Scientifically, by Conducting Observations and Experiments : The Method for Correcting and Evaluating the Findings & Discussion of Lab Reports of 7th Graders
MATSUMURA Koo, Lower and Secondary School of Kansai University, Osaka
39 “Essential Questions” and Instructional Improvement : To Simply Teach and Deeply Think
OHSONE Masato, Ohshimizu Lower Secondary School, Kanagawa
42 What Is the Method in Which Students Want to Explore On their Own? : Practice of Physics in “SS Inquiry-Based Study of Science and Mathematics”
YAZAKI Takanori, Upper Secondary Division of Tamagawa Academy, Tokyo
46 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
48 Demonstrations to Attract Students
50 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
52 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
54 Science and My Job
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji