全国学力・学習状況調査 中学校理科 CBTによる悉皆調査
-調査の概要とサンプル問題- 神 孝幸4
●理科における系統性を意識した授業改善 真井 克子9
●エージェンシーを発揮した小・中学校での一体的な授業改善-教師が「~させる」授業から児童生徒が「~する」授業への転換- 加瀬 健13
●コンピテンシー・ベースの小中連携の在り方 -各領域における「学習内容の理解度」と「資質・能力の育成」の比較分析- 佐々木 聡也16
●共通の視点で見直す小中間の理科授業-「力」の視点で共に授業を創る活動を通して- 松山 明道19
-中高一貫教育校での実践- 加藤 淳平22
-小学校と高等学校の間をつなぐ中学校の学習の充実- 杉田 泰一25
飯高 匡展28
●中学校への接続を意識した小学校理科指導の工夫-人事交流時に小学校で実感した課題とその解決に向けた取り組み- 山﨑 斉31
●小中学校で連携して行う教科研究と授業実践-粒子分野を共に研究することで見えてきた成果と今後の展望- 奥平 直子34
佐久間 直也・辻 健・勝田 仁之・小澤 啓37
●「教科の本質」と「自己の在り方・生き方」を仮定し,子どもの姿から問い直す小中一貫教科カリキュラム 中澤 祐介41
-乗り入れ授業を通して- 岡野 圭44
―意味生成につながるコミュニケーションの過程に着目して― 鐙 孝裕 48
エネルギーと物質-ラジオメーターが回る仕組みを考える- 新井 直志 50
日本で南十字星を撮影する① 田中 千尋 52
電圧計センサを用いた電磁誘導 長谷川 勇伸 54
●Let’s Try!理科授業のDX
見えない夜空を授業中にシミュレーションしよう! 武部 文香 56
凸レンズの実像の反転と像ができない虚像が見える疑問 「光⑤」 荒尾 真一 58
地球は大きな磁石だ! 地磁気の逆転 辻本 昭彦 60
全国大会報告 61
委員会報告レポート 64
学会通信 70
(二次案内) 74
次号予告 80
学名:Malayopython reticulatus
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
Nationwide Academic Achievement Tests of Middle School Science (Complete Enumeration Using CBT); Outlines of Survey and Sample Problems
4 JIN Takayuki, National Institute for Educational Policy Research, Tokyo
Collaboration Among Elementary, Junior and Senior High School in Science Education
9 Instructional Improvement with an Awareness of Consistent Sequence of Science
SANAI Katsuko, National Institute for Educational Policy Research, Tokyo
13 Coherent Instructional Improvement in Elementary and Middle School, Making Use of Agency: A Shift Away From Teacher-centered Passive Lessons To Child-centered Active Lessons
KASE Takeshi, Gunma Board of Education, Gunma
16 How to Collaborate Between Elementary and Middle School, Based on Competency: Comparative Analysis of “Understanding of Course Content” and “Development of Qualification and Ability” in Each Field
SASAKI SOYA, Lower Secondary School Attached to Iwate University, Iwate
19 Science Lessons of Between Elementary and Middle School Science, Being Reconsidered by Common Viewpoints: Through the Activity That Is Collaboratively Created by Adopting the Viewpoint of “Force”
MATSUYAMA Akimichi, Kumamoto Education Bureau, Kumamoto
22 Development of Qualification and Ability, Incorporating Advanced Contents: Practice at Unified Six-year Secondary School
KATO Junpei, Touohgakkan Lower Secondary School, Yamagata
25 Let’s Find Out Westerly Wind: To Deepen the Learning at Middle School, Connecting Between Elementary and High School
SUGATA Taiichi, Hiroshima University High School, Hiroshima
28 Instructional Practices of High School Physics, Making Use of What Students Know Prior to a Lesson, and Leading Them Into a Scientific Research
IIDAKA Masanobu, Ichikawa Lower and Upper Secondary School, Chiba
31 How to Teach Elementary School Science, Bearing in Mind the Articulation of Middle School’s Curriculum: The Challenge I Faced at Elementary School When Exchanging Teachers, and the Efforts to Solve It
YAMAZAKI Hitoshi, Saitama Education Bureau, Saitama
34 Curriculum Study and Educational Practices, Working Together With Both Elementary and Middle School: Good Results and Future Prospects, Seen from Studying Collaboratively the Particle Model of Matter
OKUDAIRA Naoko, Kamakura Elementary School Attached to Yokohama National University, Kanagawa
37 Science Lessons of Grade 1 Through 12, Connected by Passing the Baton of “I Can't Understand”: Lesson Plan of Electric Circuit That Is Collaboratively Prepared by Teachers in Elementary, Middle, and High School
SAKUMA Naoya, Lower Secondary School Attached to University of Tsukuba; TSUJI Takeshi, Elementary School Attached to University of Tsukuba; KATSUDA Hitoshi and OZAWA Satoshi, Upper Secondary School Attached to University of Tsukuba;
41 Unified Curriculum at Elementary and Lower Secondary School, Being Reconsidered by Children’s Behavior, Based on “Essence of the Subject” and “Proper Way of Oneself and Lifestyle”
NAKAZAWA Yusuke, Hamamatsu Lower Secondary School Attached to Shizuoka University, Shizuoka
44 Efforts to Facilitate Continuity from Elementary to Middle School at Setoya Middle School District: Our Project in Which Middle-school Teachers Give a Lesson at Elementary School
OKANO Kei, Setoya Lower Secondary School, Shizuoka
48 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
50 Demonstrations to Attract Students
52 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
54 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
56 Let’s Try! DX in Science Lesson
58 Inquiry-based Lessons Aimed at Constructing Conceptions
60 My Teacher Is a Science Magician <NEXT>
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji