小川 義和9
●サイエンスコミュニケーション多様性のすすめ-理科の教員に求められるのは,サイエンスコーディネーションである- 廣野 喜幸13
-市民の賛辞が高校生にもたらす自己肯定の劇的な向上- 中村 秀仁17
佐藤 成美20
●先端分析機器の体験実習「JAIMA サマーサイエンススクール」-最新の分析機器体験を通して,未来の科学者たちに真理探究への思いを届ける-
●高校生の探究を支援する「探究コンシェルジュ」-「科学×教育×福祉」の視点で,もっと学校に手をのばそう- 寺島 幸生26
-博物館・科学館が少ない環境での可能性を探る- 吉澤 樹理29
●気象の専門家の協力を得た出雲科学館での防災教育-中学2年「天気」の理科学習,企画展及び子ども科学学園- 中山 慎也・呉羽 理恵32
●北海道の東で理科を学ぶ場をつくる-道東科学教育支援ネットワーク(DoToねっと)とアウトリーチの成果- 境 智洋35
●サイエンスコミュニケーションから広がる授業-難しいからこそ,放射線について話しましょう- 青木 久美子・内藤 理恵・瀧渕 岳38
●道東科学教育支援ネットワークの功績-「DoToねっと」がもたらした奇跡のネットワーク- 佐久間 勝教41
探究の過程を見通す力と振り返り評価改善する力の指導-中学校第2学年ペットボトルを使わない「雲の作成」を例に- 本庄 秀行 44
火山と地震「マグマの性質」~小麦粉を使って粘性を比べる~ 新井 直志 46
日本で南十字星を撮影する③ 田中 千尋 48
エコカラムを用いた持続可能な生態系の構築と改善プロセス~中学生が体験する生態系のシミュレーションと実践的学び~ 室永 瑞貴 50
●Let’s Try!理科授業のDX
見たい瞬間をもう一度! 学びを生かし,学びが深まる「理科まとめ」の取り組み
下吉 美香 52
特定分野に特異な才能のある児童生徒を包摂する理科教育 隅田 学 54
電気配線の操作的認知負荷を軽減する教材と活用場面「電流②」 荒尾 真一 56
かつお節はなぜ踊るのか! 辻本 昭彦 58
学会通信 59
次号予告 72
学名:Camponotus japonicus
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
5 “Science Communication” That Is Linked by Technology and Society: Transition in the Method of Science Communication, and the Important Theme “ELSI”
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo
9 Outreach Activity As a Science Communication
OGAWA Yoshikazu, Rissho University, Tokyo
13 The Promotion or Encouragement of Diversity in Science Communication: A Science Coordination Is Important and Necessary for Science Teachers
HIRONO Yoshiyuki, University of Tokyo, Tokyo
17 “Npro” Whose Activity is Promoting Scientific Literacy With an Emphasis on Output: High-school Students Can Boost their Self-Esteem by High Praises from Community
NAKAMURA Hidehito, Kyoto University, Kyoto
20 To Get the Charm of Science Across by TV Programs “Tokoro-san no Me-ga-ten”
SATO Narumi, Science Writer
23 Hands-on Activities by Using the State-of-the-art Analytical Equipment at “JAIMA Summer Science School”: Through the Activities Using Cutting-edge Analytical Equipment, We’re Sending Prospective Scientists our Desire for Truth
Japan Analytical Instruments Manufacturers' Association(JAIMA), Tokyo
26 “Investigative Concierge” Who Supports High-school Students in their Investigative Work: Let’s Reach Out to Schools, Viewed from “Science ×Education×Welfare”
TERASHIMA Yukio, Naruto University of Education, Tokushima
29 New Hub of Science Education: The Role of Science Cafe at Local City: Even at the Place Where There Are Few Museums, We’re Exploring the Possibility
YOSHIZAWA Juri, Kagawa University, Kagawa
32 Emergency Programs at Izumo Science Center, Collaborated with Meteorological Experts: Science Lessons, Exhibitions, and Kids School About “Weather” in 8th Grade
NAKAYAMA Shinya, Miyagi University of Education, Miyagi; KUREHA Rie, Izumo Science Center, Shimane
35 Setting Up a Place for Learning Science at Eastern Hokkaido: Achievements of Doto Science Education Support Network and Outreach
SAKAI Chihiro, Hokkaido University of Education, Hokkaido
38 To Expand the Scope of Lessons by Science Communication: Radiation is Difficult to Grasp, So Let’s Discuss the Radiation
AOKI Kumiko, Chitose Lower Secondary School; NAITO Rie, Komazawa Lower Secondary School; TAKIBUCHI Gaku, Saginomiya Upper Secondary School, Tokyo
41 Achievements of Doto Science Education Support Network: “DoTo Net” Is a Miraculous Network That Is Beneficial to the Community
SAKUMA Katsunori, Chanai Elementary School, Hokkaido
44 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
46 Demonstrations to Attract Students
48 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
50 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
52 Let’s Try! DX in Science Lesson
54 To Consider Diversity and Inclusion
56 Inquiry-based Lessons Aimed at Constructing Conceptions
58 My Teacher Is a Science Magician <NEXT>
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji